After a non-existent year 2021, we are happy to re-open our Pocket Of Tenacity in Méribel – France.
This powder sanctuary is divided in two parts. Upstairs; the Adyton of our temple, a secret nest with our Deus Powder Tools capsule collection in its heart. Downstairs; the main stage, our bar where you can enjoy one of our finest cocktails as well as the best beers. A condensed venue full of potency and enthusiasm.
All the way from Japan, between “fromage de montagne” and fresh French powder, live’s the second home of Deus Power Tools.
For this new year we add to the experience a Deus Powder Tools test center where you can test and enjoy the TAKUYA 'TAPPY' YOSHIKAWA crazy shapes.
Galerie des Cimes, Route du Ctre, 73550 Les Allues, France
Open 4pm-2am Daily.